In This Style...


In the beginning...

It must have started with two cavemen right? I don't mean everything...but everything else. You know, the important stuff like subways, special edition DVDs, and those little colored candy things that are glued to accounting tape. Lets face it, a long time ago things were much simpler and times were hard. So these two cavemen...we'll call them Ig and Ug. Yeah! that sounds pretty primordial. Generational stereotypes aside, I think we can agree that being a caveman was pretty rough right? I mean fire was a new thing, your children ate animals, and animals ate your children...rough stuff indeed. Looking back to these times, all of science, knowledge, and well...everything stems from one goal, Better Dental Hygiene.

"But what about those two cavemen you ask? And what in the hell do they have to do with dental floss?" Well I'll tell you. One day Ig was sitting under a tree gnawing on what could have been any number of animal parts from any number of animals. While biting into an undercooked hunk of red, several of his teeth unexpectedly removed themselves from their gummy home, rendering Ig incapable of tearing off any more fleshy sustinance. Unfortunately, in the days before Flintstones chewables, this left Ig in a vitaminless state of hunger and eventually led to his demise. Having witnessed his prehistoric counterpart's troubles, Ug found it necessary to prevent such problems, and proceded to investigate preemptive tooth decay practices and technologies. With these efforts, dental hygiene was born, along with modern science, digital home entertainment, and subsequently...everything else.

Although the early methods of maintaining a healthy mouth are unknown, they can undoubtedly be linked to the development of everything we consider something. Sure, there are those that say otherwise, but their breath smells, and who wants to talk to them?


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